The principles governing the way in which authenticated translation shall be made are set forth in the Act on Sworn Translators. Certified translation, i.e. authenticated translation, may be certified for consistency with original or with a copy. Such official translation is made for courts, public prosecutors, authorities, but also for corporate authorities and for contractors, school authorities, higher school authorities, etc. In general, briefly speaking, those principles are as follows:
- As a matter of fact, certified translation is nothing but the description of a document; therefore, you should remember that apart from the content thereof, it must also contain the description of seals, security features, type of paper, letterheads, translator’s notes, if any, endorsements found by a translator to be necessary and information on whether original or copy was presented for translation – all such endorsements and descriptions shall be included into the number of signs counted to determine the basis for due fee.
- The output page of text translated as certified translation (the basis for computation of due fee) shall be made of 1125 signs, including spaces (counted by PC editor – WORD), any page started shall be counted as a full page (no fractions).
- Fee – when a job is ordered by state officials (courts, public prosecutor, etc.), fee must be computed at official rates taking account of extra charges for anything that deviates from standard in technical sense (small letters, text handwritten, tables, etc.). When a job is ordered by a client, under market conditions, fee shall be charged at contractual prices (free market rules). Any additional copy means extra petty charge (additional copy having the status of original translation). Any translation made as urgent (on the same day or on the following day – 24 hours for small size documents and over 8 pages of translated text per day for huge projects) is subjected to extra charge.
- Every single translation job is assigned its unique repertory number that shall be entered into the clause on the last page of translation output (“authentication clause”). Official round seal and stamp of a translator must be affixed on translation output + authentication clause. Round seal must be affixed on each page of translated text – text must formatted in such a way that seal could be affixed. Moreover, the text shall be secured against any additions, endorsements or inclusions, etc. (exactly the same as in a case of notaries).

- direct contact with a translator/ interpreter
- multi-year experience
- confidentiality (no middlemen, office workers or subcontractors are involved)
- availability
- timeliness
The Scope of Services:
Authenticated and Non-Authenticated Translation: agreements, contracts, legal deeds, corporate law, notarized deeds, foundation documents, powers of attorney, financial statements, business correspondence, business plans, civil status documents, certificates, military equipment, armaments, IT, etc.
Interpretation Services: presentations, consecutive interpretation, business trips, business meetings and negotiations, etc.
- law
- banking
- finance
- E.U. documents
- business economics
- tender documentation
- technologies
- tourism
- medicine
- information technologies
- other